phone: (269) 929-6618
9718 Portage Road
Portage, MI 49002
website: kalamazoo.apaleagues.com
Hello pool players! If you're checking this out for the first time, we hope you give the league a try. It's a great way to make some friends, play pool and maybe win a trip to Las Vegas! Nationwide, the APA has over a quarter million members and holds the world's largest pool tournament every year in Las Vegas. Here in Kalamazoo, we will send nearly 50 people to Las Vegas this year. If your team is one of the winners, the APA will help to pay your airfare, hotel and entry into the World Tournament.
This is a handicapped league, so every team needs lower skilled or beginning players to fit under the handicap total. The main reason our teams break up is because they don't have the lower handicap players (the beginning unskilled players). Even if you have never played pool, we have teams that will fight for you to play on their team!.
It's easy to get started in our league. We can place you on a team or you can build a team yourself. There can be up to 8 players on a roster, 5 shoot each weekly match. Your team chooses what bar/location you want to shoot out of. We keep track of the points, wins and handicaps for each of the 3 sessions: Summer, Fall and Spring. Each session several teams will qualify for the World Qualifier (previously known as the Local Team Championship or LTC). At the end of the league year, these teams will play to win the trips to Las Vegas.
The cost is $8/week for each of the 5 players that play, total cost of $40/team per week. If you don't play that week, you don't pay anything. National APA charges a $30 membership fee that is due when you begin playing in the APA, and a $30 renewal in January every year.
Prizes include trips to Las Vegas and Niagara Falls, Ontario; clothing, patches, trophies, cash tournaments and much more!
You'll have a good time getting to know the people in this league and becoming a part of our pool community. Most of our members just want to get together, have a drink and play pool.
We can place any new players on a team anytime, or you can round up some friends and start your own team when the 2025 Spring Session starts in January.
Mike and Daryl Keeler (on left); Sherry Wiltshire and Ray Newman (on right)
League Operators